“Having ‘genomic medicine’availablenowis increasinglybecoming a mark of leadinghealth systems”
Genetics in Medicine, July 2014
Informatics Systems. Genomic Interpretation. Cutting-Edge Research.
We deliver the bioinformatics infrastructure and insights you need to accelerate your translational genomics
initiatives and build industry-leading clinical NGS testing programs.
The knoSYS provides labs with a scalable, production
grade informatics system for the analysis, annotation, and interpretation of
human next-gen sequence data (genome, exome, targeted gene).
With our knomeDISCOVERY service, we provide pharmaceutical and
academic researchers with an end-to-end solution for studying large
numbers of human exomes and whole genomes.
Latest Webinar: CPT Codes for Genomic Sequencing
Procedures: Current and Future Reimbursement
Featured Webinar: Supporting Genomics in the Practice of
Presenter: Heidi Rehm, PhD, FACMG, Chief Laboratory Director of the Laboratory for Molecular Medicine at Partners